Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo Analysis

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The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was created to end the Mexican-American War that started in 1846 and ended in 1848. It was written by Nicholas Trist and signed by him and a commission representing Mexico on February 2, 1848 in Guadalupe, Hidalgo. Later, the government at Washington cancelled Trist powers and ordered him to leave, but disobeyed what he was ordered to do. He sacrificed his reputation to try to put an end to the war and give the country victory, thus creating the treaty. The treaty provides guarantees that are protected not only on a domestic level but internationally too. The treaty represented peace, friendship, limits, and settlement between the U.S. and Mexico. It was ratified by senate with Amendments on March 16, 1848. Mexican Americans were driven off their lands because they had no protected titles. Also, Mexicans in the ceded territories only got the status of citizenship and nothing more. Article IX talks about the right to “liberty and property,” giving people the right to claim land or validate titles. However, Texas was the only state in the U.S. that excluded the rights to claim property. Claims of property depended on rights of the titles, adverse…show more content…
While the force encountered little to no resistance, the army, however, fought several battles south of the Rio Grande. Finally they captured Monterrey and defeated a major Mexican force at the Battle of Buena Vista. Taylor, the general from the army, failed to pursue the Mexicans, thus causing Polk to send in General Winfield Scott to transport the army by sea to Veracruz. The U.S. Navy blocked Veracruz while the army fought their way into Mexico. Mexico’s president sent a peace treaty to Washington in the early 1847 but his treaty was denied. Because Mexico would not give up, the U.S. army invaded the capital city and took over having Mexico’s president resign and flee from

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