28 Days Later Anthropology

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The world is constantly adapting to new technology and creating new medicine. Diseases are frightening, but possible contaminated drugs are even worse. With today’s availability of transportation, contaminated diseases could cause an overarching disaster. One of the greatest fears that the world has is a widespread epidemic. Easy access to travel makes the fear of epidemics more realistic and scary, such as an Ebola outbreak turning into a worldwide zombie apocalypse. In 2002's 28 Days Later, the movie shows how something like "rage" can spread to an entire country within the time of about a month. If it can spread to an entire country in a month, the fear of it spreading to the entire world is even more prevalent. Epidemics are horrifying because the only way to treat highly contagious diseases is to isolate and quarantine each individual who has contracted the illness, so they will not spread it to others around them. In 28 Days Later “the virus is gone and the survivors gradually trickle back into London, crammed into a central ‘Green…show more content…
Even though zombies have evolved, they still resort back to symbolizing the lack of control in our lives and the fear of death. So, not only do zombies have a lack of control over themselves, like in the Haitian voodoo tradition, but we have lack of control over the zombies, and are unable to reason with them. Now, zombies delve even deeper into human’s fear of lack of control in our own lives as well. People are always evolving over time and generating new fears and anxieties. Zombies are symbolic in the sense that they are everything humanity fears, and if people evolve, then zombies will evolve over time as

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