Paralegal Certification Essay

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Do You Need A Paralegal Certification? If you are looking for a rewarding position in the legal field that does not require years of continuing education, consider the benefits of becoming a paralegal. Paralegals are legal assistants who work in every area of law and are responsible for doing research, completing clerical work, and interviewing clients for the attorneys in their office. For individuals who want to change their career path, becoming a paralegal is a great opportunity because candidates do not have to complete formal training or even a formal degree program to qualify for positions. While formal education is not required, it will definitely give you a competitive edge when you applying for positions in criminal, tax, estate, and family law. If you are serious about being a paralegal, understand how a paralegal certification can help you develop your skills and show employers you are serious about your future. Do Paralegals NEED a Certification? The paralegal vocation started in the 1960′s when over-worked attorneys needed help to complete routine tasks involved with defending offenders and prosecution. Since the profession’s humble beginnings, the field has grown significantly. While the paralegal profession has grown to become an essential part of the legal…show more content…
Do not consider any schools that are not ABA-approved because your training will not be recognized by employers or the ABA. The National Association of Legal Assistants estimates that there are more than 600 different paralegal education programs located throughout the United States. Certificate Courses range between 18 and 60 semester units with the longer programs including general education and paralegal-specific programs. Most programs require students in a certificate program to hold an associate’s degree to qualify for

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