Palm Oil Mill Case Study

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Generally, Palm oil mill effluent (POME) contains high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) which can pollute the environment ecosystem if it is not treated properly. The characteristics of fresh POME are that it is highly viscous liquid, brownish in colour and discharged at a temperature of 80-90oC. Moreover, POME is extremely poisonous with a very low pH between 3.5 and 4.2, high chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD: 16-100 g/L, BOD5, 30oC: 10-44g/L), high suspended solids (SS: 5-54 g/L), and high salt content. 1.2 Motivation 1.3 Problem Statement 1.4 Objectives 1.5 Scopes od Study CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) 2.2 Overview of Treatment Methods of Palm Oil…show more content…
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