3.6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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3.6 Personal protective equipment (PPE) Personal protective equipment (PPE) are used to protect the workers at the working place against the risk of hazardous chemicals entering the body through inhalation or skin contact. PPE act as supplement and it is not replace the preventive measures. Each working place must use the appropriate PPE. The suitable PPE should be selected with regard to the hazards, physical nature and the routes of entry of the chemicals into the human body. PPE must be maintained and properly used. Before and after use PPE, it should be inspected first in term of sign of damage. Besides that, it also must be store at the right place, cleaned and make sure in the good condition. Improperly used or maintained PPE may do more…show more content…
It must fit the wearer’s face and its breathing resistance should be tolerable to the wearer. 4.1 Monitoring and health surveillance The objective of monitoring is to ensure the effectiveness of the control measures. In textile finishing, the environmental monitoring are involves measuring the levels of the contaminants in the air at strategic locations in the workplace. The monitoring can be continuous or in a form that requires regular sampling and analysis using equipment that includes sensor with alarm device, direct-reading instrument, static sampler and personal sampler. Based on the work activity and the result of the risk assessment, the management should establish and implement an appropriate monitoring program. It is to ensure that the levels of the airborne contaminants do not exceed the acceptable limits, such as the lower explosion limit (LEL) or the occupational exposure limit (OEL) of the chemicals. The monitoring programme should include monitoring parameters, frequency of monitoring, location and method of monitoring, alarm levels based on the acceptable limits and follow-up…show more content…
The useful information for reviewing and improving the chemical safety programme are provided. For textile finishing, the person who are exposure to hazardous chemicals at work, health surveillance can be a means to monitor exposure biologically and it is useful to detect adverse health effects at an early stage thereby preventing further harm. However, the health surveillance includes, where appropriate, pre-assignment and periodic medical examinations, medical examinations for resumption of work after prolonged sickness absence, as well as medical examinations upon and after termination of work involving exposure to hazardous chemicals. Investigation should be immediately conducted by persons with sufficient knowledge and experiences if cases of suspected over-exposure to hazardous chemicals are reported. Remedial actions should be taken if investigation confirms over-exposure. It is because to improve the concerned operation procedures and control

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