Ophelia's Treatment Of Women In Hamlet

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In the play, Hamlet thought of women as inferior and substandard to men. Although it was common for women to be seen as inferior to men, Hamlet’s harsh thoughts about women gleaned through substantially. Gertrude, his mother, and Ophelia, his lover are the two female characters in Hamlet’s life. Gertrude was harshly treated by Hamlet for moving on after the King's death. Ophelia was harshly treated by Hamlet for not exhibiting enough love and passion toward him. Gertrude and Ophelia are two very different characters, but share the same treatment from Hamlet. Ophelia and Gertrude had no chance for redemption and were forced to be inferior to men. The treatment by Hamlet towards the women in his life was caused by his thoughts about women. First,…show more content…
After contemplating suicide, Hamlet proclaims that Ophelia never loved him back. After this Hamlet demands that Ophelia go to a nunnery in order to protect other men from women like her. Because of Hamlet's thoughts towards women, he denounces her and treats her like trash. Ophelia couldn't stand up for herself because she feared Hamlet. Hamlet treated her badly because of how he thought of women. One quote that depicts Hamlet's thoughts about Ophelia.“To a nunnery!" (3.2.141) Hamlet is speaking with Ophelia during this quote. He is telling her to become a nun so she can't hurt any other men. “You jig and amble, and you lisp, you nickname God’s creatures and make your wantonness your ignorance. Go to, I’ll no more on ’t.” (3.1.146-148) In this quote Hamlet proclaims to Ophelia that all she is good for is to be a sinnful figure. He basically tells Ophelia that she is no good and says it because that's what he thinks of women after he had his heart broken. Manipulation played a role in this as well. Hamlet knew that he could manipulate Ophelia because to him women were powerless to men. He used his power to manipulate Ophelia because he knew he had the power to do so. Hamlet was not shy about announcing his feelings about women to…show more content…
Hamlet was set off by his mother, Gertrude, moving on just two months after his dad's death. Hamlet is disgusted that she wants to marry his once uncle. Hamlet goes off on his own mother multiple time calling her worthless and an incestual pig. Hamlet states, “O shame! where is thy blush? Rebellious hell, If thou canst mutine in a matron's bones, To flaming youth let virtue be as wax." (3.4.82-84) Hamlet believes that his mother remarried for her sexual needs. Hamlet treats his mother badly because he is upset with his mother for marrying his uncle. Another point to make is how Hamlet shows his power when demanding her to confess her sins. Hamlet tells his mother the following, "Confess yourself to heaven; Repent what's past avoid what is to come, and do not spread the compost on the weeds. To make them ranker" (3.4.164-167) Hamlet is being brutal to his mother and knows he has the authority to do so. Hamlet is telling his mother what role should be as a woman, and as a human being, which proves that Hamlet thinks of women as inferior to men. The harsh treatment by Hamlet towards Gertrude was caused by his bad thoughts about
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