Graduation Rates In America Research Paper

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Graduation Rates in America: Problem, Solution, and Barriers Paper Jamal Ali COMM 2367 TTH 3:55 Galnoosh September 25, 2015 Graduation Rates in America: Problem, Solution, and Barriers Paper Problem In today’s world were a 4-year bachelor’s degree could barely land you a job, its vital more than ever to have at least a high school diploma. In today’s globalized, competitive economy, in order for one to earn a living wage, the minimum requirement would be high school diploma. United States, was once #1 in high school graduation rates. Unfortunately, as of right now the United States is ranged in #22. At first glance, that doesn’t look bad at all, but when the full context of the ranking is revealed its very disheartening. That is…show more content…
This program is aiming to reach 90% graduation rate across the nation by class of 2020. GradNation was started in 2010 by America’s Promise Alliance organization in a bid to end Americas high school drop out crisis. GradNation is a movement that consists of individuals, organizations, and communities working together towards one goal: Graduation rates improvement across America. GradNation has goals of surpassing the current graduation of 80%. By 2020, and is hoping to reach their goal of national average graduation rate of 90%. This bold, daring goal will help me advocate for and garner support for GradNation. GradNation’s own website has multiple ways of getting involved with the organization as an individual or another organization, whether you’re donating or volunteering. References Employment Rates and Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment. (2015). Retrieved from Orfield, Gary; Losen, Daniel; Wald, Johanna; & Swanson, Christopher B. (2004). Losing Our Future: How Minority Youth are Being Left Behind by the Graduation Rate Crisis. UCLA: The Civil Rights Project / Proyecto Derechos Civiles. Retrieved from: Lastname, W. (2009). If there is no DOI use the URL of the main website referenced. Article Without DOI Reference, Vol#(Issue#), 166-212. Retrieved from

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