How Does Steinbeck Present The Theme Of Friendship In Of Mice And Men

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Paramount to Steinbeck’s novella, ‘Of Mice and Men,’ is man's need for companionship which protects against the isolation that George recognises will lead to ‘meanness.’ Friendship was rare in 1930s America as the migrant workers were constantly moving from ranch to ranch and Steinbeck believed that the inability to put down roots led men into loneliness and isolation. The friendship between the intelligent but weak George Milton and the slow-witted but strong Lennie Small is the focal point of Steinbeck's novella and the development of a friendship between George and Slim is also significant. From the very beginning of the novella we can see the presentational methods used by Steinbeck to convey the friendship between George and Lennie. In the opening chapter Steinbeck shows George’s protective nature over Lennie when he scolds him from drinking too much water from the stagnant pool, ‘’Lennie, for God’ sakes don’t drink so much.’’ His scolding however can be perceived as being protective and shows that their relationship is like one of a father and son.…show more content…
When Curley thinks Lennie is laughing at him and starts a fight George intervenes and tells Lennie to stand up for himself by saying ‘’Get ‘im, Lennie!’’ Steinbeck uses these words to further convey the father and son relationship. This episode in the novella also illustrates the trust Lennie has for George which is vital for a strong friendship, perhaps Lennie trusts George so much due to his mental difficulties. Steinbeck’s presentation of Lennie during the fight shows his childlike nature and utter dependence on George, ‘’Lennie covered his face with his huge paws and bleated with

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