Odysseus Use Of Antithesis And Imagery In The Odyssey

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In pages 148 to 151 of The Odyssey, Odysseus uses antithesis and imagery to describe his journey to the brutal, unkempt land of the Cyclops, and his attitude throughout. Odysseus uses antithesis to show his journey to and thoughts about the violent Cyclops land. “...and find out what the mainland natives are- for they may be wild savages and lawless, or hospitable and god fearing men.” This quote from the text shows the uncertainty and fear that Odysseus and his men felt going into the rough voyage. Savage and lawless are opposite of hospitable and god fearing, further proving the use of antithesis to describe the journey. On page 151, Odysseus says how his men were pushing him to just take the Cyclops’ things and run away instead of wait

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