Sherry Turkle: Article Analysis

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In a 2012 article published in The New York Times, Sherry Turkle, a psychologist and professor at MIT, claims that the universal overuse of technology is hindering this generation’s interpersonal skills and diminishing the depth of relationships that we’re able to form, insisting that “we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection”. She goes on to discuss how, even within our own families, divides are growing due to our constant need to stay “connected” through technology. By staying constantly connected to social media, we’re driving ourselves into a place of self-inflicted isolation. This in turn brings about the phrase “alone together”, which Turkle uses to describe the mindset that, even while we’re with each other, we’re able to…show more content…
Sherry Turkle, Nicholas Carr, and Richard Rhodes are three of the most prominent authorities on the downsides of using technology as a medium to build and maintain relationships. There’s no question as to whether or not these people know technology--at least the basic components (i.e. texting, emails, etc.)--or how to use it. Generally speaking, they’re more aware of how to use electronic devices than most people their age. Nevertheless, they did not have access to technology as they grew up. Today’s youth--which is a broad term, but for our purposes let’s suppose it encompasses the generation of children, teens, and young adults that grew up with technology--not only know technology, but understand it as well. Turkle, Carr, and Rhodes (aged sixty-seven, fifty-six, and seventy-eight respectively) don’t have the perspective of a person who was introduced to technology at a young age. Because of this, their understanding of how and to what end it’s used is that of an…show more content…
Time and time again, younger generations are dismissed because their ideas and their beliefs are new. In the past, teens and young adults have been ridiculed for the way they looked, the way they talked, the way they acted, the things they wanted. Technology, in this case, is no different. As a society rooted in the past, what do we really fear? Conversation, or progress? Daily, teenagers go to school, an environment where they speak to their peers and their elders. Most participate in extracurricular activities, such as clubs and sports teams within and outside of the school. When teenagers aren’t busy with school, they’re usually trying to make plans with their friends. In most cases, only in long distance relationships is technology the only, or even the main, mode of communication. That isn’t to say that teenagers are always right, however. When used excessively, technology can be as harmful as it is

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