Non-Exempt Social Work

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One way in which I have put some of the material I have learned from weeks 6 and 7 from class into action is by the way I researched several topics that we have covered and how they relate to my work life. I have decided to investigate how I am being affected with those topics thanks to the materials from the textbook, discussions, and online lectures. I have become curious and have researched more in depth to find answers to my question. For example, Chapter 22 talks about the Fair Labor Standards Act and the guidelines used to classify exempt and non-exempt. To be quite honest before last week, I was not aware that certain criteria had to be met first before classifying employees. Therefore I assumed, I was classified exempt because I got paid salary. However, after reading and listening to the discussion, I decided to investigate whether I was classify correctly. I reread the section on “Exemptions from Overtime and Minimum Wage Provisions” to see under which category I would fall under. The category that I fall under based on my duties and salary rate is administrative employees. I compared the criteria to my current position and indeed I am classified correctly. But most importantly, I know now why I am considered exempt and not non-exempt.…show more content…
I was aware I got deducted The FICA Tax Rate, which is the combined Social Security and the Medicare. However I never thought of researching more in depth to found out what is the tax rates that I got deducted from my paycheck. I went into the Social Security Page and found out the tax rate is 6.2%. I did the math to see if it matched my deduction and it did. I did the same thing for Medicare Tax which is currently 1.45% and it also matched. I am glad that I now know where to find these rates and now I know how the numbers are

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