No More Curtain Call For Elephant Rhetorical Analysis

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Elephants are popularly used in America in entertainment and exhibitions, such as circuses and zoos. In the 2012 article, “No More Curtain Call for Elephants,” the LA Times’ editorial board argues that elephants should be protected from use in traveling shows and exhibitions in Los Angeles through the passing of a measure to prevent this use. This article was published in the Los Angeles Times. Through the use of persuasive strategies such as pathos and the use of examples, the authors build a convincing argument on why the measure should be passed. The article reaches a broad audience of the readers of the Los Angeles Times in order to inform the residents of the city of the measure and why it should be passed. Also, the board wishes to explain the argument to the City Council who will decide if the measure will be passed,…show more content…
The reason they believe the measure should be passed is because elephants in traveling shows and exhibitions are mistreated. By explaining to the reader about the harsh living conditions and abuse these animals face, the authors seek to stir up empathy in the in the reader. The thought of a gentle giant being struck with a sharp object and chained in a cage while standing on concrete surfaces causes the reader to feel for these elephants and agree with the argument to pass the measure. The use of pathos furthers the argument made by the board because it explains why the measure is needed by the elephants in these conditions. An example of an emotional appeal made in the article is seen as the board states, “For 8,000-to-10,000-pound creatures who spend all day on their feet and can live into their 40s, the consequence of that confinement was a painful middle age, marked by arthritis, cracked toenails, and sore feet.” This explanation helps the reader understand why a measure was created to prohibit the use of elephants as entertainment and why it should be

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