Nina Sayers In Black Swan

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In Darren Aronofsky’s 2010 film, Black Swan, the main character is a white female around the age of 21. Nina Sayers is of average height but is visibly underweight. She has rigid posture with slender limbs. Nina’s face is lean and long with hazel eyes that are slightly deep set and a crown of deep brown hair. Nina is pretty and appears to be extremely neat and pleasant. Nina lives in a small apartment flat with her mother. As a result she is defined as middle class. Nina is a passionate ballet dancer. She works long hours in a much disciplined company. She is always made fun of at the dance company and is not often praised by her co-workers but on the occasions when she is, Nina finds it difficult to respond to them. Outside of the company Nina’s life seems to be restricted to only her home life. Her mother calls her frequently and is very…show more content…
Nina desperately wants to be a prima ballerina. Nina wakes up buoyant on the morning of the new ballet season because she is hopeful that Thomas would be true to his word. He has promised Nina that she will be featured more this season. Her mother agrees and supports this desire by reaffirming Nina that she has been at the company long enough. Therefore insinuating that Nina has earned the right and deserves the principle role. The way Nina stares at the previous prima ballerina, Beth, indicates an obsessive desire to be her. Also, it is an indication of Nina’s insecurity of not being perfect. Beth is Nina’s the image of perfection. Nina steals something from Beth so that so can become Beth. Nina is also insecure about her weight and is anorexic and she is seen several time trying vomit up what she has not even eaten. She is repulsed by the cake her mother gets for her achievement but through manipulation her mother get her to have some. Nina is also very insecure about what others think about her. She is always looking around and eavesdropping on

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