Nicolas Flamel: Nicolas Flamel In Pop Culture

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Nicolas Flamel was a fifteenth century philanthropist, who had a posthumous reputation as an alchemist (History of Alchemy). In life, Flamel was a successful scrivener and manuscript-seller in Paris; in death, Flamel became famous around the world for his alchemy (History of Alchemy). Flamel is called the greatest alchemist in history. This title came about in the 17th century when tales of his mastery gained friction; at that time Flamel’s death was about 200 years old. The uproar was caused by works published in the 17th century; an alchemical book published in Paris in 1612 titled “Livre des figures hiéroglyphiques” (Alchemy Lab). It is said to have Flamel’s search for the philosophers stone describe in the introduction. This book is thought…show more content…
Flamel is thought to have discovered the Philosopher’s Stone and achieved immortality. There are films, poems, and shows, which reference Flamel’s life and alleged achievements. The most acknowledged depiction of Flamel in pop culture is the first book in the J.K. Rowling series Harry Potter. In the book and film, he is a 665 year old alchemist who master turning items into gold and immortality through the Elixir of Life. In 2005 the album titled Grand Materia by Swedish metal band Morgana Lefay is dedicated to the life and mastery of Flamel. A couple of years later, across the ocean, an author by the name of Michael Scott began a series of six fantasy novels centered around Nicolas Flamel and Perenelle called, “The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel”. This series would later receive numerous literary award nominations (The American Library Association). In the famous manga Fullmetal Alchemist, many characters possess the mark of “Flamel”. “This mark is a common theme in Flamel writings; it is a stylization of a crucified snake”…show more content…
Hundreds of years after his death he achieve legendary status within the circles of alchemy. The famous scientist “Isaac Newton reference him in his journals to “the Caduceus, the dragon of Flammel” (Geni). In 1930, the poet Michael Roberts wrote “Nicolas Flamel”. One line of the poem eludes to his alchemy and the elixir of life, stating, “A universal alkahest in yellow cerement, underground” (Poetry Foundation) the word alkahest referring to “a hypothetical solvent having the power to dissolve every other substance, including gold” (Enacademic). Psychologist Carl Jung used alchemical symbolism in depth and analytical psychology. Jung discovered a correlation between alchemical symbols and dreams, he later called “process of individuation”

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