Nera Monologue

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“But why do you do it?” Well, this is why. It took me almost a whole year of lunch money to fill up my lollipop container. Everyday I added at least a penny. But finally I had enough money to do what I had wanted to do for a while. I went back to the market I had been to a couple months back. It had happened, the pig had given birth just as promised, and sadly, her piglets were ready to be sold. I knew the life that awaited them. People buy them, raise them, and when the time comes, they slaughter them. I had enough money to give one of them the life I knew they all deserved, and so I did. She was all black with big, round, deep, dark eyes. And she was tiny; her whole body could comfortably lie on my hands. I took her home even my mom warned beforehand that she wouldn’t help me with her at all, it was a process of several months to convince her that I could do it on my own.…show more content…
She was basically my daughter; she became the family’s baby. She was a smart little creature, sometimes too smart. She knew how to piss me off by mockingly pretending to pee outside her purple box. Every time she was hungry she would squeal and follow me around until I fed her. Sometimes she would cry at nights, she often had nightmares, for countless nights I slept right next to her on the floor. She would wake me up early in the morning to go for a walk. By seeing people’s expression I knew what they were thinking, there goes that unusual girl with her pig, but I couldn’t care any less. She was just like another puppy playing around with the bigger dogs. We made each other happy for over a
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