Natasaya Filippovna's Argument Essay

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Unfortunately, as the novel progresses, Natasaya Filippovna’s actions begin to transform as her original mature defense mechanisms take a turn for the worst. While Natasaya Filippovna appears to possess psychological resilience, the truth is that she viewed her ability to transcend moral standards as self-sacrifice. According to Vaillant and the four-level classification of defense mechanisms, mature defenses are what healthy adults possess as they address the proper balance required by the psyche to make rationalized decisions that appease both the moral obligations of the superego and the childlike impulses and desires of the id. Natasaya Filippovna possesses qualities that allow her to make decisions without adhering to society; however, her final decision to run away with Rogozhin exposes her desire to sacrifice herself…show more content…
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s protagonists are shaped by their upbringing and their parental foundation, which typically leads them to having to create their own superego and moral compass. Thus, the lack of a developed ego ideal and conscience results in the character’s ultimate downfall, as they are unable to cope with overburdening scenarios. While many of Dostoevsky’s protagonists lack balance in their psyche, the hardships that Dmitri Karamazov experiences during his trial lead him to a transformation that saves him and makes him the savior of society along with Alyosha Karamazov. For further exploration, one might ponder as to whether or not the message of Dmitri’s salvation is representative of the potential redemption of the Russian soul, which can be related back to the image of Alyosha Karamazov kissing the soil and the

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