Nasogastric Auscultation Methods

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Insertion of nasogastric tube has been one of the interventions in decompressing a person's stomach to prevent any complications or provide nutrition. It is usually highly recommended for a patient that has bowel obstructions or any patient that underwent surgical intervention, which then requires relaxation of the stomach for a certain period of time. This is mostly achieved by using a nasogastric tube or known as NGT. There are various methods that are practically recommended by various clinical facilities in Australia and overseas. These can involve using radiography or other acceptable methods. However, there are two methods that are easy to use when confirming the placement of NGT without the intervention of radiography. These methods are widely used by nurses and doctors in clinical settings in Australia and abroad. It is either through the use of ‘whoosh test’ or auscultation and using a gastric pH balance.…show more content…
Mostly these are done in clinical settings that has less access to radiograph equipments or in emergency scenarios. This method is sometimes called ‘whoosh test’ or known as auscultation, our mentors have used it for a very long time. Nurses or doctors perform this by listening to the whooshing sounds over the stomach after introducing air into the tube by using a stethoscope (Mallett, J, Albarran, JW and Richardson, Annette 2013, p1963). Because of this, the nurse that is performing the method will figure out that the tube is in the stomach upon hearing a gurgling sound. Through hearing the gurgle, it will allow the nurse to initiate the usage of the tube either for decompression or commencement of the

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