Mythology Of The Blackfoot Indians Summary

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Mythology of the Blackfoot Indians was written by Clark Wissler and D.C. Duvall. The book was originally published in 1908 by the American Museum of Natural History. It introduces such figures as Old man, Scar-face, Blood-Clot and the Seven Brothers. The tales with ritualistic origin are also included in the book, which emphasizes the prototypical Beaver-Medicine and the roles played by Elk-Woman and Otter-Woman, beside with this a presentation of Star Myths, which reveal the astronomical knowledge of the Blackfoot Indians. There are several tales, which told to the Blackfoot children. The stories include; “The Ghost-Woman” and “The Lost Children.” (Wissler, 1908) Mythology of the Blackfoot was the product of an scholarly partnership between…show more content…
Duvall's part…show more content…
This specific talk would have been improved by an exchange of the comparative adjustments made by Canadian Blackfoot people groups (North Peigans, Bloods, and Siksika or Blackfoot fitting). The change of conventional societies was around then commonly deciphered as the loss of society, an actuality which gives us with the setting to the grant of the monograph itself, as a case of "rescue" ethnography. Wissler and Duvall's monograph has matured nimbly, an affirmation to its unique quality. In Kehoe's exchange of the academic significance of the monograph, she brings up a few points of interest, for example, the immediate relationship between a significant number of the myths and Blackfoot functions. She remarks on the stories themselves, which were not strict interpretations, but rather rendered rather in an English story style. In spite of the fact that she alludes to the myths as "unbelievable history," she doesn't talk straightforwardly to different issues of concern to the investigation of oral

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