My Heart Murmur: Overcoming Obstacles In My Life

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Giving up is not an option to me.i will have struggles in giving up is not an option to me.i will have struggles in my life and will fight till the end. I have lost battles in my life and I have won battles in my life. I will always fight. I will a through my heart murmur. I fought through my grandma’s death and I fought through my wrestling career. One of the toughest challenges in my life is my heart murmur. Knowing I will have to get surgery is scary. Knowing I have to get surgery and knowing the warning signs are bad with sports because I don’t want the surgery so I don’t want to go out if I see one of the signs. So far I haven’t seen any of the signs. When you have a heart murmur you have to get an ultra sound on your heart every 6 months.

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