Music Theatre Personal Statement

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Music theatre: an art through which to lose oneself and find oneself simultaneously, tell essential stories, cathartically influence people, and deliver joy to performers and audience members alike. Growing up in an artistic household, full of music, theatre, and dance, I discovered these truths firsthand. Music became a favorite pastime early in life, and dancing around the house, singing songs, reading, and drawing soon consumed the majority of my childhood. I grew to relish the challenges the arts presented and grew to understand the power of determination, tenacity, and hard work. Early on, I encountered the indescribable sensation of creating music and telling stories. To describe it as boundless joy would be an understatement, and I am…show more content…
I want to reach a point in my career where I will never have to concern myself with finding “work”; I always want to have a show on the lineup and I will work tirelessly to make this goal a reality. My goal is to continue to grow in all areas of music theatre for the remainder of my life because I do not believe in perfection, only progress. I want to be a lifelong learner, especially in music theatre, which made me the person I am today. I know, equipped with passion and hard work, my goals can transform into reality. I aim to courageously pursue my goals even when difficulties arise because at the end of the day, I perform because of the indescribable joy it evokes within me and the impact I want to affect on the

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