Albert Einstein Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources: "Letter From Albert Einstein." Letter to F.D. Roosevelt. 02 Aug. 1939. MS. Old Grove Rd. Nassau Point, Peconic, Long Island. resources/truman-ein39/ Source: Argone National Laboratory This letter is considered to be the first warning to the nuclear arms race. Einstein wars the president about the probability of the Germans acquiring materials to create a new powerful bomb that can cause mass destruction. The letter was written by a scientist named Leo Szilard who is known to create the chain reaction theory, but Einstein put his name on it. Einstein asks president FDR to listen to Szilard’s proposal for the allies to create a new bomb also and engage in the nuclear arms race. In the letter it included that there needed to be a mandatory meeting with FDR’s…show more content…
"Aboard the Augusta, the Atomic Bombs, the Surrender Journal Entries." August 3 and August 4 (1945): 1. The National Security Archive. Web. Mr. Brynes takes notes in his journal about the meetings that the President has about the Manhattan Project. These journal entries contain 2 paragraphs about Truman’s precaution in order to use this wepon. Secondary Sources: "The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources." The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources. NSA, n.d. Web. 01 July 2015. . This website provided the specific details on the materials and the researchers that were used during the Manhattan project. There is a conclusion of different critiques on the use of the bomb for destruction. Pictures served to be beneficial as there was the measurements of the capsule that the bomb was put in. Day of Trinity, by Lansing Lamont, Atheneum, New York, 1965 and 1985. A deeper understanding of the Manhattan Project tests is described within this book. The trinity test is accounted in detail along with the materials used to create the

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