Moulding Japanese Minds Garon Analysis

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In Molding Japanese Minds, Garon uses the word “moral suasion” to describe the state-society relationship in Japan that begun after the Russo-Japanese war. The term moral suasion came from a word Kyoka in Japanese, which originally means “instructing and guiding humankind to goodness through the teaching of Buddha”. (Garon 7) He describes moral suasion as a way the Japanese officials used to mobilize the Japanese people to bring modernization among them. Using his term, he analyzes the means of social development by the Japanese government before 1945. He argues against the concept of “social control” that is frequently used to describe state-society relationships in the last two decades, stating it only describes western states’ way of controlling society and the term “control” does not fit into the way the Japanese government tried to internalize appropriate values among people, and it should rather be called “social management”, which implies interrelation between the government and people rather than the government controls people mainly by punishing.…show more content…
He also states, as it was argued in Japan’s modern myth and Splendid Monarchy, there were more interaction between the state and society than one can imagine by associating the state-society relationship with the term emperor ideology. In the chapter 2, he describes the state’s efforts to manage religions by creating religious policies and the state and religious leaders’ interdependency in order to manage everyday life

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