Morally Ambiguous Characters

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Morally ambiguous characters -- characters whose behavior discourages readers from identifying them as purely evil or purely good -- are at the heart of many works of literature. Choose a novel or play in which a morally ambiguous character plays a pivotal role. Then write an essay in which you explain how the character can be viewed as morally ambiguous and why his or her moral ambiguity is significant to the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. The Plight of an Honorable Murderer In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novel, “Chronicles of a Death Foretold,” the two antagonists, the Vicario brothers, can be described as morally ambiguous, and play an immensely pivotal role in the novel. Their ambiguity, which derives from their incentive to kill…show more content…
Leading up to the event, the twins tell all who will listen of their plan, hoping to be stopped. In fact, when reviewing the murder, the magistrate notes, “it seemed the Vicario brothers had done nothing right with a view to killing Santiago Nasar immediately and without any public spectacle, but had done much more than could be imagined to have someone stop them from killing him, and they had failed" (49). Thus, the Vicario brothers go out of their way to be stopped, and yet they are unable to convince anyone that they were serious. Their good and respectable nature, a nature they are known for throughout the town, prohibits the town from believing the brothers, and thus allows them to continue unhindered, no matter how hard they try to be stopped. This hope of failure clearly conveys the brothers more honorable attitude towards their crime, for though they truly believe it is something they must fulfill, the act of murder is something they wish to be stopped. This belief in the honor and justification of their crime surfaces once again when they turn themselves in to their pastor, Father Amador. “‘We killed him openly,’ Pedro Vicario said, ‘but we’re innocent’(...) ‘Before God and before men,’ Pablo Vicario said. ’It was a matter of honor’" (49). The Vicario brothers know that they committed a crime, yet do not try to run…show more content…
Their good and respectable nature, for which the town holds them in the highest esteem, allows for them to commit a murder, and thus is the driving point of the plot of Marquez’s novel. This good faith blinded the town, and only once the murder had commenced did the townspeople realize their mistake. As the knives plunged, Marques writes, “They [the Vicario twins] didn't hear the shouts of the whole town, frightened by its own crime" (118). Only once the death was for certain do the townspeople believe their warnings, and thus are too late to react. Though it is not their thrusts killing Santiago, nor is it their knives ending his life, the townspeople are all responsible for his death, as they had done nothing to stop it. Thus, to its greatest extent, the moral ambiguity of the Pablo and Pedro Vicario comes to play in this event as it, perhaps more than the brothers themselves, causes the death of Santiago Nasar. It is their good nature, paired with these evil and murderous plans, that allows them to constantly announce their plan to the town, and yet receive no hindrance in fulfilling it. In that way, the brothers’ moral ambiguity not only allows for the murder to take place, the climax of the novel, but also demonstrates the culpability and ignorance of the other characters. The townspeople’s
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