How Does Orwell Use Figurative Language In Animal Farm

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Paige Dispalatro Ms. Lammers English Honors II Period 2 2 January 2016 Freedom Orwell believes that with a rebellion, the dream of a bright future can become a reality, a reality where animals are free from slavery and can live a life without fear. In the book Animal Farm, Old Major sings a song called the “Beasts of England,” hoping to describe to other animals what it would be like to be free. While singing, he uses figurative language to acknowledge the future with the abolishment of slavery. He symbolizes freedom when he sings that the “rings shall vanish from [their] noses, and the harness from [their] back” (Orwell 12). This describes to readers how the animals will be no longer confined by the cruel control of Mr. Jones because after the rebellion, he no longer owns them. The animals will be free to make their own decisions. And once slavery is abolished, every “bit and spur shall rust forever, cruel whips no more shall crack” (Orwell 12). This use of symbolism shows how after the rebellion, there will be no more slavery,…show more content…
He uses imagery when he describes what England would be like for the animals. When he says that “bright will shine the fields of England, purer shall its waters be,” he uses the sense of sight (Orwell 13). He wants the animals to be able to envision the land they would be living on after the rebellion. He wants to make the future sound better than it could be for the animals because he understands that they deserve it because they have already lived enough years miserably as slaves. It is also sung that “sweeter yet shall blow its breezes on the day that sets us free” alluding to the sense of taste (Orwell 13). This part of the future is meant to make the animals hope for the future because they want to “taste” freedom. They do not want to live in fear because they would rather live a life that they

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