Modern Day Witch Hunt Research Paper

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Witches! The Absolutely True Tale Of Disaster In Salem by Rosalyn Schanzer discusses what happened in Salem in the 1690’s. This all started up when two girls may have gotten sick or lied about being bewitched. People started accusing others and many were in jail. This caused over twenty people to die by either being hanged, die in jail, or pressed to death.This went on for about a year until the town came to its senses. Now there are new modern day witch hunts all over the world in different places , the hunts still on around in Africa, and many hunts are going on since. There are some modern day witch hunts going on right now. They are in several different places in the world. In Africa, people are cantankerously accusing others “throughout Africa belief in witches is common, and black magic is considered a normal part of everyday life” (Radford). People there believe in magic and that witches are the horrid part everyday life. “India must do more to tackle the practice of witch-branding among tribal communities, activists said on Monday following the murder of five women accused of sorcery” (Thomas Reuters Foundation).…show more content…
If the people around a place where there are signs that a person might be a witch they think they have to get rid of them so they “ may be stoned or beheaded, as has been reported in Indonesia and sub-Saharan Africa”(Horowitz). This sometimes goes unheeded . In Kenya” 15 people, mostly elderly women, who were murdered in a witch hunt” (McKenzie). People here are being maliciously stabbed and killed because of being accused of witchcraft. African people take witch hunts to be their own thing. “Some 200 angry villagers — mostly youths carrying axes, machetes and knives — grabbed Jane Faidha Bakari, 58, in Tabora, hacked her with sharp weapons and burned her alive” (Onyulo). They go up to people’s houses and abolish the witch. They are mostly witch hunts in

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