The 1979 film Alien, directed by Ridley Scott, was intended to be a sci-fi horror film focused on creating the most realistic and terrifying creature possible in attempts to truly give the audience a realistic, nonetheless hair-raising experience they would never be able to forget. Ridley Scott was approached to direct the film due to the the deep admiration the script owners had for his debut film The Duellists (“Alien (Film).” Wikipedia). Deeply devoted to the film, Scott found inspiration from
In 1903, the government installed a plaque containing a poem upon the Statue of Liberty, a physical manifestation of the freedom which the United States symbolizes. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” (Lichtenstein). Nearly every person living in the United States is he or she an immigrant themselves or descended from immigrants. The U.S. is a unique country because of its immigration history, as the blending of the different cultures certainly shaped