Midnight Mobber Analysis

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Midnight Robber mixes the conventions of the science fiction with Afro-Caribbean symbols and history. The inhabitants of Toussaint have not completely forgotten the history out of which they arose on Earth. Jonkanoo has become a holiday during which they celebrate the landing of the Marryshow Corporation nation ships that had brought their ancestors to Toussaint two centuries before: “Time to remember the way their forefathers had toiled and sweated together: Taino Carib and Arawak; African; Asian; Indian; even the Euro, though some wasn’t too happy to acknowledge that-there bloodline. All the bloods flowing into one river, making a new home on a new planet” (Hopkinson 18). This explanation of Jonkanoo and the life on Earth alludes to the history of colonialism and slave trade which brought diverse populations together in the Caribbean. The moment of diasporic travel to the “Nation worlds” also encompasses the Middle Passage across the Atlantic. This is invoked when Ben, the programmer in charge of Garden, presents Tan-Tan, during the Jonkanoo, with a hat in the intricate shape of a…show more content…
Tan-Tan carries her unborn child while she metes out vigilante justice in the guise of the Robber Queen thus bringing about a subtle transformation in the social fabric of New Half-Way Tree. “Resorting to maroon-like living in the inhospitable interior spaces and manipulating the carnival figure of the Robber King, Tan-Tan’s body is physically reproductive and discursively productive” (Fehskens 146). Her pregnant body thus transforms from a site of infringement, which addresses the history of sexualized violence and colonization, to an embodiment of agency and meaning-making. Through Tan-Tan’s vigilantism coupled with the acts of protection, mercy, and benevolence, Hopkinson rewrites both epic and popular culture heroic tradition to an alternative Afro-Caribbean folktale

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