Microtechnology In Microbiology

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The scope of microtechnology is starting to influence on microbiology. The physical dimension of most microorganisms is close measure up to the scale size of microtechnology. This review narrates about the microtechnology and microbiology with the use of soft lithography which is a group of techniques that produce microscale or nanoscale structure of soft materials. This review has divided into two subgroups such as: biologist where the study of microbial life does and physical scientist and engineers which are create new materials and structures. There are several opportunities of microtechnology in microbiology as the use of soft lithographic techniques. The structure and intercellular organization…show more content…
The patterning and immobilization bacteria on surfaces supply new initiative for sensing and detecting biomolecules by the use of whole cells and for studying of interaction between cell-cell and cell and their surroundings. By the using of agar and agarose, hydrogels are form. The patterning bacterial cells using hydrogels has two characteristic such as first cells grown on their surface stay hydrated, second gas, nutrients and by products of metabolism spread out through the polymer network of the gel. There are several types of hydrogel that are also use in microbiology. Microfluidics have several characteristic which are useful for the study of cell. The application of microfluidic systems also have in studying bacterial population dynamics. A technique was recently developed which is for producing motile, filamentous cells of E.coli with various type of shapes by restricting and developing of single cells in microchambers that were embossed in agarose. Different types of groups have display for grabbing the mechanical work production by motile strains of microbial cells. The application in molecular biology an important step to detection of pathogens is the lysis of microorganisms to release DNA. The conversion of bacterial cells with external DNA inserted into plasmids is the most basic techniques used in bacterial

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