Michelangelo Buonarroti's The Torment Of Saint Anthony

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In 1488, Michelangelo Buonarroti finished painting The Torment of Saint Anthony (18 ½ X 13 ¾). It is located at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth. The Torment of Saint Anthony is a tempera and oil on panel that captures a scene of Saint Anthony floating and being tortured and attacked by demons. In the background is mono chromatic and shows a quiet scenery with a mountainous area and in the background is a river with a ship. The main scene draws your attention. The disturbing scene of many different types of demons pulling at Saint Anthony as well as the different colors. Some demons have human characteristics and others have bodies of fish, trolls and a monkey. Buonarroti uses stark contrasts between the background and Saint Anthony and

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