Matt Ek's Appartement By Birgit Cullberg

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Matt Ek, born 1945, is the son of Swedish choreographer Birgit Cullberg. He choreographed many different works for many dance companies, including the Hamburg Ballet, Paris Opera, Nederlands Dans Theater and Les Grands Ballets Canadien de Montreal. As a young man, he began training in dance, but shifted to drama. He also established his career in theatre, but later went back to dance. His work spans from ballet, theatre, dance theatre, and even to opera. His work combing both classical ballet and contemporary dance, appeals to many. Mats Ek’s original piece “Appartement” is an exploration of relationships that unfold in an apartment with big movements that cover the stage that interfuse bold rapid foot movement. This piece is based on the concept of a house being a place where relationships unfold leaving us by ourselves.…show more content…
The overall plot of the work studies everyday life with common scenes of cleaning the toilet, cleaning the street, cleaning the kitchen, watching television, and vacuuming. The plot relates to the message because the man isolates himself from the wife watching television and the woman isolates herself from the husband by cleaning. Elks work tends to be technical and balletic. The style of the work relates to the message because Elk’s choreography style aimed to show expression. You can see the expression of emotions in the relationship. His style also focuses on people and the development of characters. It encompasses the strong relationships between the

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