Mark Winston Our Bees Ourselves Summary

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According to Mark Winston from the New York Times, in his article, Our Bees, Ourselves, the fall of our buzzing friends correlates to the faults of humans. Out of the many different species of bees, honey bees are especially suffering from the hands of mankind; in turn, humans are hurting themselves as well. Winston includes a statistic that states, “Around the world, honeybee colonies are dying in huge numbers: About one-third of hives collapse each year, a pattern going back a decade.” This number is worrisome due to the fact that that percentage is approximately twice the rate than what is considered tolerable. In the periodical, Winston explains how there isn’t just one cause to the endangering of honey bees, but a combination of many, such as pesticides exposed to fields, pesticides actually sprayed INTO hives, pests, diseases, and commercial beekeeping in America – this specifically forces ceases the system of colonies because the bees are moved around the country so often to pollinate crops.…show more content…
Humans frequently overlook the consequences of their actions and forget the fact that other beings are harmed in the process, not just bees! I agree with Winston on his stand against humanity. After roaming the world for nearly 40 million years, the rapid disappearance of the honey bees should be a clear message that something has malfunctioned in our normal ways. Like Winston talked about, synergy plays a lead role in the downfall of the insects; one small dose of a toxic pesticide in one bee amounts to a large consumption when it comes to the whole colony; thus, turning the honey bees into easier prey for diseases. Humans need to be made aware that they, too, are exposed to these toxins when ingesting the honey of the sick bees or just from being around these pesticides in

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