William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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Is every human born with evil in his or her hearts? Golding's, Lord of the Flies portrays or shows man ability to do evil, which is foundational, but concealed part of mans human nature. The evil concealed within man is the most protuberant subject of the story, and perchance the most contentious one. To depict this theme or topic, the book explains in detail the boys, their lives before they get stranded on the island and as they start to settle on the island knowing they may never be rescued. During the struggle of survival the boys are faced with the great challenge of feeding, staying safe and also building shelters for them, in addition to finding out a way to be rescued. As the boys consciously try their best to maintain a level of…show more content…
Golding uses the two main characters, Jack and Ralph as explanatory points and also the primary examples of evil born as hidden trait but kept in check by the rules of the society and civilization. As the events of the story unfold chronologically, Golding slowly removes the fake character that has been placed on jack, and divulges Jack to be selfish, vehement, unethical and without any moral standing as he was slowly descending into savagery. "The bolting look came into his blue eyes. He took a step, and able at last to hit someone, stuck his fist into Piggy's stomach" (Golding page 71). Furthermore, the well-detailed description of Jack as the book comes to a sardonic end, reveals the true and inborn characters of jack, devious, hostile and atrocious. Ralph says jack is "a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!" (Golding page 179). This quote or statement is the basic explanation of what jack has become a ruthless savage. Furthermore, Jacks involvement in the killing of the pig and other discourteous acts show a great decent of civilization Jack has finally revealed his true barbaric and savage nature, proving Golding's theory that all human beings are born with the intent of evil. Therefore, Golding's use of characterization, imagery, literary devices and symbolism supports the theory that all human beings are born with the intent of

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