Marjane Satarpi's The Complete Persepolis

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Marjane Satarpi’s graphic novel, The Complete Persepolis, took me on a journey through Satrapi’s childhood in Iran during the late 1970’s and throughout the 1980’s. This story followed young Marjane through her young years as an outspoken, open-minded, defiant, young girl who faced extreme governmental censorship and persecution. Through this graphic novel and Marjane’s traumatic experiences, I saw the importance of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and the Iraq-Iran War on the society, which ended up working to do more harm than good to the sensitive country. The Iraq-Iran war and the events leading up to it had a tremendous effect on her development and changed her life forever. The Islamic Revolution was the beginning of Marjane Satrapi’s journey. One of the first times that Marjane was exposed to the oppression of the revolution was when her bilingual school was closed, boys and girls were separated and forced to attend different schools, and all of the girls were forced to wear veils. Marjane didn’t like to wear the veil, especially since she didn’t understand why she had to. Marjane found herself “Veiled and…show more content…
The Iraq-Iran War changed Marjane’s life, as she was forced head first into a world of air raids, bombings, and fleeing her friends and family. Satrapi channeled her rebellious side and stated "The year of the Revolution I had to take action. So I put my prophetic destiny aside for a while" (Satrapi 10). During the war, Satrapi stated how "for the first time in my life, I saw violence with my own eyes" (Satrapi 76). During the war Marjane continuously rebelled against the “established order” in several ways such as by participating in a forbidden but popular culture and by helping her parents host hidden parties and discuss banned topics. Her parents were forced to salvage young Marjane’s future by sending her away to learn and live safely in

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