Margaret Atwood's Offred

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Considering as this novel was written in 1985, during the rise of the opposition of the Feminist movement. The novel gives the reader a future where the fundamental New Right movement was followed through. New Right was a 1980’s idea that argued for women to stop working and stay in the homes and become doting house wives, and the novel shows the enslavement of women and their reduction to mere tools that were used by men. In her novel, Atwood characterizes women in a variety of ways. Woman are portrayed as rebellious, powerful, ignorant, intelligent and submissive, all which are seen though the view point of the novels narrator, Offred. Offred is an intelligent woman who is desperate to get out of the life that is assigned to her, although…show more content…
Gilead is a society that is founded and is being operated by men, Gilead and her fellow Handmaids are stripped from their families, from their names and have all their belongings destroyed. The handmaids only title is their name, which is defied by the man that is controlling them, and trying to make them pregnant. Whilst Offred despised the situation that she was in, she often remains passive instead of actively rebelling, "'We lived as usual by ignoring. Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it. "…show more content…
Moira is presented as an intelligent hero-like figure, who gives Offred and her fellow handmaidens hope. "Moira was our fantasy. We hugged her to us, she was with us in secret, a giggle; she was lava beneath the crust of daily life. In light of Moira, Aunts were less fearsome and more absurd." Moira is the only female character that Atwood gives a real name, and this shows the character’s valiant refusal to submit to the men that govern her. Unfortunetly this doesn’t last, as after her escape, Moira is found in a brothel, with her radical spirit seemingly broken, as she chose to serve men sexually over living in nuclear waste filled colonies. A feministic viewpoint would see how the most resilient person can be crushed under the right amount of male dominated pressure: "I'd like to say she blew up Jezebel's, with 50 commanders inside it. I'd like her to end with something that would befit her. But as far as I know that didn't happen." Although Moira was Offred’s only hope during her training, it seems that even the most courageous and resilient is giving
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