Margaret Atwood's Homeless Bird

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Rules are made for life, like laws are made for government. Both are made by people; thus, both have to be followed. The book Homeless Bird is about a thirteen year old girl who lives in India during the mid twentieth century. As she is forced to live through hardship and despair, she struggles to break the shackles that keep her from freedom and happiness. The expectations in Indian culture compel negativity in the protagonist, Koly’s, life. For instance, she is forced to marry at a young age; against her will, she is degraded in society as a widow, and she is kept from being educated. To begin, Koly is forced to marry at a young age; against her will. When Koly’s parents are looking to find her a husband, she says: “ a part…show more content…
It is obvious that Koly doesn’t want to get married. However, this choice is beyond her power since it would mean there will be more food to eat for her family, as well as the fact that it is a part of culture for girls to be married off at fairly young ages. Therefore, Koly is married at a young age; against her will. Furthermore, Koly is degraded in society as a widow. When she first arrives to Vrindavan, Koly says: “because they had lost their husbands, widows were considered unlucky,” (Whelan, page 108). In the Indian society, widows are looked onto like they have no life ahead of them; like they have no future. Since they don’t have husbands to take care of, they virtually have no use and just take up space. In addition to this, since nobody wants to marry widows, they are merely abandoned and neglected as if they don’t matter. For instance, Koly’s sass (mother-in-law) abandons her due to Koly being a great burden she has to carry along with her to Delhi. For that reason, Koly is degraded in society as a widow. Moreover, Koly is kept from being educated. Throughout the book, many characters are against the education of females. As

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