Margaret Atwood Vocabulary Analysis

1441 Words6 Pages
Alexandra Wisnios Mrs.Duncan ENG4U0-C November 30th 2015 Vocabulary Analysis 1. Decorum Source: “I hunger to touch something, other than cloth or wood. I hunger to commit the act of touch. But even if I were to ask, even if I were to violate decorum to that extent, Rita would not allow it.” (7) Definition: (n) Behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety. Evaluation: Atwood’s use of the word decorum is literal. She is using it to explain the certain behaviour, in which she could possibly violate if Rita were to let her; which is keeping in good taste, manners and respect. This diction choice is not too advanced but gives a good understanding of what the author is trying to say instead of using words such as proper behaviour she…show more content…
2. Furtively Source: “Nobody talks much, though there is a rustling, and the women’s head move furtively from side to side.” (22) Definition: (advb) something done quietly or secretly in a manner intended not to attract anyone Evaluation: Atwood uses this word literally. She is using it to add imagery. She is trying to help the reader picture how the cashier in the store is trying not to attract attention to her and is moving her head secretly and quietly. This word is a higher level of diction. This word as well as many of the words Atwood uses could be easily replaced with simpler words, showing that Atwood finds high level of diction important in her writing. Sample Sentence: Mrs Duncan’s tardy students always walk into class furtively with the hopes that she will not see them walk…show more content…
Offred finds it important to be on good terms with Rita and wants to please her. This diction chose is more complex and not use too much in modern everyday life. A reason for this could be because the way it is usually worded is very formal, usually coming before the word himself, herself or oneself. Sample Sentence: Mike really wanted a raise at work; he decided to ingratiate himself with his boss by offering to work weekends. 4. Stagnant Source: “Around me the air is stagnant, despite the little current, the breath coming in past the curtain.” (47) Definition: (adj) showing no activity dull or sluggish. Evaluation: Atwood uses the word here non-literally. She is personifying air with human like characteristics; air cannot physically be dull or sluggish. The word is a high level of diction and is used commonly for scientific reasons to describe a body of water. Sample Sentence: Mark was not allowed to go out with friends; therefore he stayed at home on his couch stagnant the whole night. 5. Guerrilla Source: “The Appalachian highlands, says the voice-over, where the Angels of the Apocalypse, Fourth Division, are smoking out a pocket of Baptist guerillas, with air support from the Twenty-first battalion of the Angels of

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