Maple Syrup Research Paper

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Maple Syrup Maple syrup is made from the sap of black maple, sugar maple, or red maple trees. In colder areas the trees have starch in the roots and trunks. At winter time the starch is then changed to sugar that rises in the sap during spring. The syrup can be removed by boring holes into the trunks of the tree and gathering the sap that is produced. The sap is processed by warming to evaporate a lot of the water, making a concentrated maple syrup. The boiling point of water changes due to the pressure in the air and to purify water is depends on the place where the syrup is being boiled. Syrup can be boiled entirely over a single produced of heat or can be made in smaller portions and boiled at a more steady temperature .Production strategies…show more content…
Also Quebec is Canada’s second largest province in area(1,542,056 km2(595,391 sq mi)).That is 15.4% of Canada. Quebec is also second in Canada for population in a province after Ontario. Quebec’s population is much smaller for such a big piece of land compared to most countries with a population of just under 8 million. It is bordered by Ontario, Hudson Bay, and the James Bay. It borders several other things including Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, and New York. The three biggest Cities in Quebec are Montreal, Quebec City, and Laval. The Montreal Canadiens, Quebecs favorite hockey team, are the most successful franchise in the NHL. They have won a total of 24 Stanley Cups since they became a team in the year 1909. Out of all of the sports teams they are ranked second for most successful after the New York…show more content…
In nations such as Canada and the United Kingdom, “canadian bacon” is completely different from “canadian bacon” in the United States of America. In America canadian bacon is just like a typical bacon. It is a rather salty meat unlike the canadian bacon in the U.K and Canada. In those places, it is prepared before they sell it. As most people know already, most of the features of canadian bacon are actually more like ham, and not bacon. It is sweet and juicy unlike regular bacon which has a very distinct taste. In addition canadian bacon does not actually become crisp like regular bacon. It would lose all of its taste if it was cooked all the way to a crisp. That is why it is served soft and juicy. Lastly, canadian bacon is usually served in a much thicker cut unlike a typical conventional bacon. It is also not the healthiest of all

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