Macbeth Tragic Hero Essay

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Since the dawn of time, heroes and villains have been well known throughout all literature. This feature of literature was viewed as the existence of a tragic hero, which is leaving a once noble hero to someone who experiences a great downfall. In William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth, receives the prophecy that he will become king. Later on in the play, under the influences of his wife, Lady Macbeth, and his own ambition, Macbeth decides to murder the king, King Duncan. Although some people feel that Macbeth does not satisfy Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero, Macbeth does fulfill the criteria of Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero since he does have a fatal tragic flaw, he does have an awakening, and he…show more content…
Macbeth’s downfall began become noticeable as his captain praises highly on Macbeth's bravery and brutality: “he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops” (I.ii.22). Being able to be recognized by the king is very honorable, yet Macbeth is unsatisfied with his current status. Although Lady Macbeth and the witches are the main influences to Macbeth in murdering King Duncan, his evil desire drives and fuels his ambition. Another factor in Macbeth’s downfall would be Lady Macbeth’s influences. Furthermore, it appears that Macbeth has profited from his fate while being in his castle, not long before the siege of Dunsinane, and his advisors are constantly giving him updates on the possible attack. After hearing lots of warnings and cautions, Macbeth shows obvious annoyance and tells his advisors that his heart "shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear" (V.iii.10-11). Macbeth is conveying that he doesn't feel fear. He also supposes that he will not "doubt" the fact that he will win, which implies that Macbeth is a very confident person. Consequently, his confidence is falsified and concluded with his downfall as he loses all respect from the people he

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