Photosynthesis Lab Report

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Photosynthesis Assignment Lance Misland Ms T Joshua Marine Biology 1 (MAB150S) 14 September 2015 Introduction: Photosynthesis is the process that primary producers undergo in order to make food for them; they do this by converting light energy into chemical energy, storing it in bonds of sugar. This process occurs in organisms that have chloroplast (plants and some algae), using chlorophyll to capture the light. However, plants only need light energy, CO2 and H2O to make sugar (Biology, 2014). Photosynthesis is one of the most vital processes on earth. This is due to the fact that, during the process of photosynthesis, it produces oxygen and carbohydrates as by products. We, including the rest of the Animal Kingdom, use this oxygen in our everyday lives as it is our life source, without oxygen we would suffocate and die. The process of…show more content…
Discussion: Because photosynthesis is classified as a chemical reaction, it needs energy in order to work. And the source of energy in this case is light. Oxygen (bubbles) is released during this reaction as a by-product. The closer the lamp is moved to the experiment or plant, the light intensity increases increasing the amount of bubbles produced. My graph shows that, although there is no light source, photosynthesis still happens, but at a slower rate than when there is a light source present. Putting the light or lamp on and moving it closer to the plant, you can see the change in the rate of photosynthesis. As the light source is moved closer (decreases by 10 cm), you can see that there is more bubbles being produced. If different colours were to be used in the experiment, it would have different results and effects on the experiment. Blue, green, red, and yellow lamps would decrease the rate of photosynthesis, whereas, using a white light would increase the photosynthesis reaction rate.

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