Loss Of Innocence In The Odyssey

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In Homer’s unequivocal epic “The Odyssey,” after a wandering of 20 years, King Odysseus returns to his home and questionably wreaks righteous vengeance on the suitors who attempted to take his wife in marriage. As Odysseus journeys back to his home of Ithaca, he gains the information that pompous suitors have overtaken his home with the intent of marrying his loyal wife. Each suitor, with the scheme to take the throne, abuse hospitality in the court of Odysseus and each day come to “slaughter flocks” and “black cattle” of Odysseus. (4.345) As the “good estates are being ruined” the bullying admirers take advantage of innocent servants. (4.343) When he returns, Odysseus first observes the invaders’ actions at close hand with a beggar disguise.…show more content…
Odysseus issues the suitor’s demise, leaving none unpunished. Going over this passage, a reader may question Odysseus’ rage and thirst for death. However, as a just king, Odysseus becomes burdened with the duty to exact justice to the opportunistic suitors. The admirers took from the good land of Ithaca with no thanks or return of goods. In addition, they took advantage of women and hospitality, a custom in that time of Ancient Greece. After growing tired of his mother’s potential husbands, Telemakhos sternly orders each suitor: “leave this hall. Go feasting else where, consume your own stores. Turn and turn about, use one another’s

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