Loss Of Individualism In Feed By M. T. Anderson

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In our society, individualism becomes less apparent as we indulge ourselves in the latest technological innovations. Though some may feel that we can thoroughly express ourselves by means of social media and other types of virtual interaction, we fail to realize how much valuable time is actually put into those technological worlds. The interests and connections we have were not formed from going out and discovering them, but from what we have seen and been told by others. In the novel, Feed, M.T Anderson creates a dystopian society where technology consumes every individual. Any personal interests have been altered to conform to what the producers want to popularize. Sadly, any sense of individuality is lost because it is better to conform…show more content…
Our technology is moving so fast that we are unable keep up, let alone handle the consequences that come along with it. We have been led to mindlessly buy things that we do not need. Just as in the book, Titus felt the need to buy an excessive amount of pants just because he had the means to. As stated in the novel, “We are the nation of dreams…We speak in visions…We have only to stretch out our hand and desire, and what we wish for settles like a kerchief in our palm”, meaning that they believe whatever they want they should have. Like them, we are constantly being influenced by advertisements and are pressured into buying unnecessary things that we feel will improve our lives. For example, Black Friday and Christmas promotes a mass consumption of unnecessary products. We have turned joyous occasions into a time of greediness and self-indulgence just to have the latest technological innovation. As Anderson said himself, “if you want to be wanted then you need to want what other people want.” We have shifted into a culture that is similar to the novel because we do not care what about our interests but rather other people’s opinions. This reiterates the loss of individualism to conform to the social

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