Literary Terms In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

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Literary Terms Define the terms IN YOUR WORDS and provide an example. Explain the example IN YOUR WORDS. This will be submitted on turnitin. Due after xmas break. 1. ALLEGORY: a. Definition: An allegory is the concept of using a story to explain a concept. b. Example: An example of an allegory is Animal Farm by George Orwell. c. This is an example of allegory because it uses the story of animals on a farm to refer to Communist Russia. 2. ALLITERATION: a. Definition: Alliteration is when multiple words in a row have the same consonant sound at the beginning of the words b. Example: The cruel cat catered to the crowd. c. In this example, the hard “c” sound is repeated multiple times. 3. ALLUSION: a. Definition: An allusion is a reference…show more content…
Example: An example of an allusion is referring to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. c. This is an example of an allusion because William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is performed in one episode of the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. 4. ANACHRONISM: a. Definition: An anachronism is something that belongs to one time period, but is being used in a different time period b. Example: One example of an anachronism is the use of a credit card in a play set in the 1920s. c. This is an anachronism because credit cards were not invented and commonly used until over 50 years after the setting of the play. 5. ANAPHORA: a. Definition: An anaphora is a word that can replace non-noun words said prior to its usage. b. Example: One example of an anaphora is using “so do they” after someone says “I like it.” c. This is an anaphora because “so do they” replaces the phrase “they also like…show more content…
CAESURA: a. Definition: A caesura is a pause between the words in a line. b. Example: One example of a caesura is “It is for you we speak, || not for ourselves” c. The double lines in the middle are a caesura; they signify a distinct pause in the line. 8. CLIFFHANGER: a. Definition: A cliffhanger is when something shocking happens or when a new, unresolved situation arises at the end of a chapter, book, episode, etc. b. Example: An example of a cliffhanger is the last episode of “Twin Peaks,” where the audience is left unsure whether Agent Dale Cooper or his evil twin survived the collapse of the Black Cabin. c. This is a cliffhanger because this situation arose right at the end of the series and was left unanswered. 9. COLLOQUIALISM: a. Definition: A colloquialism is an informal phrase/word. b. Example: An example of a colloquialism is the usage of the word “hunty” in Jack deBruin’s satire. c. This is a colloquialism because, since this word is slang, it would not be used in formal writing. 10. CONSONANCE: a. Definition: Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds in words, but not necessarily at the beginning of words. b. Example: An example of consonance is “Mister Nist has a fist and a

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