Lexus Buying Experience Paper

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The Lexus Buying Experience Everyone at some point in their life goes through the experience of purchasing a car. Once the process is complete, the excitement of that purchase begins to set in. The problem is the process is one of the most dreaded things to go through. In a June 2013 survey done by, one in three Americans (33%) would rather go to the DMV, do their taxes or sit in the middle airplane seat than go through the process of buying a car (Turkus, 2013). What is it that people dislike most? Many dislike the haggling, others lack trust in the sales person. Regardless of the reason, purchasing an automobile is the second largest purchase you may make in your lifetime. Car dealers and manufacturers have dealt with this perception…show more content…
The thought of going through this dreaded process was enough to make you lose your appetite. Which product would I purchase? What could I afford? The first step was to check the independent reviews for vehicles. I noticed the reviews for brands I had purchased in the past and the reviews were pretty good. The next lists were for luxury vehicles. There was no way I could afford any of these vehicles. I loved the features on each vehicle but the prices were far out of my price range. Then I noticed a stylish vehicle and noticed the price might something I could afford. I had never owned one but had always had the impression it was a quality product. It was a…show more content…
Where other like brands stressed sporty and sleek design, Lexus stressed safety and elegance. I decided to drive all of the comparable models and brands to find out for myself. As I drove each vehicle, I thought about the strengths each manufacturer stressed in their advertisements and product literature. Was it true what they had said about their products? Yes. When I sat inside a Lexus and compared it to the sporty alternative, I was convinced I had found what I wanted. Everything they had said was true. It was elegant and the safety features were impressive. The ride was remarkably smooth. But it did more than that, it made me feel good about myself. I had accepted everything Lexus had stated about their product. Was it the product or the marketing campaign that was successful? It was

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