Les Misèrables: Life Of An Average Citizen In The Working Class

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Les Misèrables is a film that depicts the life of an average citizen in the working and middle class. Industrialization helped the spread of liberalism because of the middle class. The middle class wanted representation in their government. They started convincing the lower class, that they should have the right to vote. The French people then wanted to have more power in the government, thus showing their national pride they have for France. Industrialism, nationalism, and liberalism were depicted in the film Les Misérables. The movie showed how industrialism caused terrible conditions for the working class, influencing the French people to express their national pride and liberal views through their participation in the Rebellion…show more content…
In the film Les Misèrables, Marius was educated and in the middle class. He was part of the ABC society, who wanted to raise the lower class up so they can fight for their rights. In the revolution in both 1830 and 1848 the rallies always were planned by the middle class, the middle class were fighting for suffrage to be expanded for all (“Louis­Philippe” 2). If suffrage was to be expanded to all the classes then the French people can choose each law, leader, etc. that they think will help better France and make it a power country again. The middle and lower class want to have the privilege to be able to vote because its part of their natural rights, Freedom of speech, they are expressing their beliefs. The Revolution of 1832 was about the citizens overthrowing Louis­Philippe and becoming a republic. The citizens were shouting “Long, Live, Republic” during the parade for Lamarque. Even though the Revolution of 1832 had not worked out, it still paved a way for the citizens to win another revolution 16 years later. During the Revolution of 1848, the revolutionaries won, and they created a republic (“Louis­Philippe” 2). The…show more content…
Industrialism caused the working class to get illnesses, injuries that were life­threatening or left them handicap forever. Fantine was a factory worker who was trying to take care of her bastard child Cosette. She had developed a cough, and without the right treatment and not enough money to afford health care, she later died. “Industry also posed new dangers for workers, Factories were not often well lit or clean” (Beck, Black, Krieger, Naylor, and Shabaka 1439). This shows the factories are never clean which can lead to the workers developing various illnesses that cut their life expectancy shorter than it normally is. Valjean giving Lafiette money showed theres a gap between the rich and the poor. “Factory owners... grew wealthier” (Beck, Black, Kreiger, Naylor, and Shabaka 1439). This shows how rich Valjean is and how poor Lafiette is because Lafiette is a worker that was involved in an accident and Valjean being sympathetic and he gave a large sum of money to Lafiette. Les Misèrables shows industrialism, nationalism, and liberalism in many more ways then what were mentioned. The film depicts what the lower classes had to endure, such as having to work in

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