Legend Vs Sleepy Hollow Research Paper

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Legend vs Sleepy Hollow Have you ever wondered if “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” was better than the movie Sleepy Hollow? As you read, you will learn about the many differences of the book and the movie. For example, was the Horseman real or not? I personally think the movie is better for the following reasons. In the story the Headless Horseman is not real. It was a story they had heard that was passed down from generations. It was suspected that Brom dressed up as the Horseman to scare Ichabod (Irving 16). This is completely different from the movie. The Horseman was real and killed Brom because Brom attacked him (Sleepy Hollow). The Horseman was controlled by someone. Also in the story, it was suspected that Brom chased Ichabod as the Horseman and Ichabod went missing,but this is not what happened in the movie (Irving 16). After Ichabod figured out how to get rid of the Horseman by returning his head to him, Ichabod left sleepy Hollow with Katrina and Masbeth (Sleepy Hollow).…show more content…
He was a school teacher in Sleepy Hollow (Irving 3).After the school day he would often go and read under a tree. He would read the book History of New England Witchcraft (Irving 5). This book scared Ichabod very badly because he believed that everything in it was true. This is not how Ichabod was in the movie at all. He was brave in some ways and he didn’t believe in witchcraft (Sleepy Hollow). Therefore he didn’t believe that the Headless Horseman was killing people in Sleepy Hollow. In the movie Ichabod was a forensics person, who did autopsies on dead bodies. He was sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate the killings. Although after he found out the Horseman was real he did get a little scared. He still never was as cowardly as the Ichabod in the

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