Essay On Cleopa Europa

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In the film “Europa Europa,” based in Germany during WWII and death is used realistically with war as a dark theme throughout the film. Even though the film scoop uses death as a joke/mystery and not used for the big picture of the film. Sondra the main character of the film is informed on the stage in the middle of a magic show of the magician Sidney Waterman in London, and tells her that the murderer is Peter Lyman. She begins her investigation and begins to put the goal of solving the hidden mystery of death to the sideline and lets her heart take control of the investigation. We never see who the killer or the killing in the film compared to “Europa Europa” the killing are harsh and are shown. In both films some humor is shown but the use…show more content…
Women are stereotyped to be more emotional in their films and have a tendency to take control of situations. The director of “Europa Europa”, Agnieszka Holland, is a female whereas the director of “Scoop”, Woody Allen, is a male. Holland’s film does have humor, but the humor isn’t in the death of an individual. However, in Allen’s film, the death of Joe Strombel brings humor to the movie due to him showing up at the most random moments. I believe that this stereotype does not fallen in to play in the films as Woody Allen’s film has Sondra the reporter; who is “Jade Spence” to the “serial killer,” has her emotions takes over the investigation. However, our emotions come into play whenever someone died in “Europa Europa”, we were more concerned of who died for how true the story felt and for the young boys. The director of “Europa Europa”, Agnieszka Holland, is a female whereas the director of “Scoop”, Woody Allen, is a male. Holland’s film does have humor, but the humor isn’t in the death of an individual. However, in Allen’s film, the death of Joe Strombel brings humor to the movie due to him showing up at the most random

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