Lady Macbeth's Relationship

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In his letter to his wife (Act One, Scene Five) Macbeth calls her “my dearest partner...” Were Macbeth and Lady Macbeth genuine “partners” and “dear” to each other? The Tragedy of Macbeth is a famous text, of the tragic genre, written by William Shakespeare. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had an evolving relationship throughout the text, however they remained genuine “partners” and “dear” to each other. From the beginning of the text, Macbeth’s relationship with Lady Macbeth is one of respect and admiration. However, as the text progresses, Macbeth’s relationship with Lady Macbeth grows more complex. Towards the texts end, Macbeth’s relationship with Lady Macbeth is tormented with ambition and the expense of death. From the beginning of the text,…show more content…
“Dear” takes on a new meaning towards the end of the text, instead of meaning a beloved relationship between Macbeth and his wife, it represents the cost, the expense, of their relationship. Lady Macbeth has slowly been driven insane by the guilt of their horrible crimes, and Macbeth is not far behind, the only thing propelling him forwards is his blind ambition. Their insanity slowly leads towards their deaths, their “dear” relationship has cost them the most expensive price. However as the world spins around him and he is lost in his blind ambition, Macbeth still has the time to think fondly of his wife. “Cure her of that. /Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased...Cleanse the stuff'd bosom of that perilous stuff/Which weighs upon the heart?” (A5, S3, L39-45). Whilst Macduff’s army storms towards Dunsinane, Macbeth hears of the news that "The queen, my lord, is dead" (Act Five, Scene Five, Line 16). He hears nothing of how and why she died, however in the midst of the anticipation of the oncoming battle, he is still thinking of her: "She should have died hereafter; / There would have been a time for such a word" (Act Five, Scene Five, Lines 17-18). Then comes the most famous passage of the text, famous as it provides closure to Macbeth’s end and his raging torment comes to a close. The speech is filled with despair and cynicism: “The way to dusty
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