LIN 3010: Extra Credit Polysemy

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LIN 3010 Extra Credit Polysemy 1. Play, blow, break, split, run, fly, fall, light, and space. In the MWD, the transitive verb form of “play” is listed as 1. A(1). And means “to engage in or occupy oneself with”. The image used to describe this form is an umpire shouting, “Play ball.” Another sense of the word “play” is the transitive verb form listed as 3. B(1). “To act in a dramatic production.” This is shown in the image of two boys sword fighting on stage. A third sense of the word “play” is 1. B., meaning “to pretend to engage in the activities of.” This is the transitive verb form and is represented by the image of the two little girls holding hands and spinning around. Another sense of the word “play” is the intransitive verb form listed at 3.A(1), to perform music. The image that represents this is the man playing a trumpet. A final sense of the word “play” is the transitive verb form listed as 3.A(3), meaning, “to perform the duties associated with (a certain position). This is represented by the image of the coach drawing and describing game plays to players on a whiteboard.…show more content…
It starts off by showing splitting wood, then a dance split, then a banana split, then splitting a banana split, then a split in bowling and finally a split in pants before transitioning into a split in a woman’s tights, which is also called a run. When I first watched the video and had not yet understood the purpose, this was the image where I said aloud to myself, “of no, she has a run in her tights.” And then the video started to make sense to me when the next image was of a man running. At that point, I started the video completely over and started to make all of the

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