Examples Of Functionalism In Apollo 13

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Functionalism Functionalism began through the writings of men such as Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim each of whom were significant contributors to the field of sociological perspective. It had humble beginnings only being applicable to the traditional family at first. However, now it can be applied to almost every aspect of society. By definition functionalism is “the theory that all aspects of a society serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society,” (Henslin 15). The theory examines parts of society in terms of how each contributes to the stability of society as a whole. That is, each part of society is “functional” in its own right, but is also dependent upon the others, all of which together ultimately provide for stability of the whole. As a theory, functionalism is demonstrated in Apollo 13 through the families of the NASA astronauts and employees, and NASA as an organization – all of which is impacted by the popular culture of the time. Families of NASA Astronauts and Employees…show more content…
For example, the government -- in this case, NASA -- not only provides income for the families of the astronauts and space employees, but is also the entity through which the astronauts are able to achieve their dreams of space exploration (Graze and Orleans). Further, the income flowing into the families allows the children to be supported and educated. Those children will, in turn, someday become productive members of society, themselves paying taxes -- which support NASA. Hence, NASA astronauts and employees are dependent on NASA for income to support their families, while NASA is dependent on, not only the performance of its employees, but the emotional support of their families in the short-term. In the longer-term, NASA becomes dependent on the children as they are educated and thereafter become contributors to

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