The person who advises you about your money and money should be honest, straightforward and above all concerned about you as a person and how they can help you prosper. When you decide on a financial advisor it means you trust the ability, knowledge, and skills of your advisor. Most important you must feel that you and your financial investment advisor fit well together. Once you interview your prospective investor it's important to find out what designations and credentials are in this field. A great investor will constantly keep in touch with you and keep you abreast of new products in the financial world. Above all a financial advisor listens to your beliefs, goals and dreams about your future.
Kyle Bass is a well-known investment advisor who builds strong relationships with…show more content… Next, Bass worked for Bear Stearns gaining experience as a Senior Manager before he turned 30 years old. Bass soon began his career with Legg Mason also in Dallas.
Bass, started his own company Hayman Capital Management L.P. in 2005 after Legg Mason sold a part of the business. Bass happened to work in the department sold. In 2006 Bass added the hedge fund department to his new company. Additionally, Bass predicted and acted on the real estate subprime problem brewing in this country. He not only averted the downfall but benefitted from the mortgage crisis. Other managers and investors took notice of Kyle Bass' grasp and insight into the financial world.
Bass' ingenuity and passion are hard to ignore when people understand how he began his first hedge fund. He raised $43 million from friends, family and his personal savings. He read, researched, reviewed and reasoned that the mortgage market in 2006 and 2007 was going to burst. He realized which unstable mortgages would fold. For instance, his confidence, knowledge and theory on the subprime mortgages helped his reputation and Hayman Capital grow